At Garstang Community Academy, we believe that every pupil brings with them a unique blend of strengths and needs for support to our community during their time with us. We are a vibrant, caring and ambitious Community Academy proudly committed to the success of our students.
Our vision is of an inspirational learning experience, enabling all our students to achieve individual excellence and thrive as happy, independent and responsible young adults. All colleagues, specialists, pupils, parents and carers work together so that:
Pupils with additional needs are able to access their entitlement to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum as part of the whole school community.
Pupils with SEND are educated in an inclusive environment alongside their peers, with targeted intervention additionally as needed, enabling all to reach their full potential with the curriculum and engagement with the full life of the school.
We match levels of additional support for learning to the wide variety of individual learning difficulties, and actively foster independence, resilience and self-esteem in all our intervention.
We identify and assess pupils with SEND through our transition process and throughout all year levels of our academy, and as thoroughly as possible using the revised Code of Practice (2015).
Parents/carers and pupils are fully involved in the identification and assessment of SEND.
We foster partnership and collaboration between all agencies concerned, using a multi-disciplinary approach, and ensuring all teachers can locate and apply their guidance for full access to the curriculum.
We meet the needs of all pupils with SEND by offering appropriate and flexible forms of educational provision within the spirit of inclusion, by the most efficient use of all available resources.
The Senior Leadership Team, SENCO and all T/As are advocates for the most up to date knowledge of current SEND excellent practice and methodology in order to offer support and CPD in these areas to all colleagues in the school.
For more information please refer to our full SEN Information Report and SEN Policy documents.
Miss L Royds (Deputy Headteacher/SEND)

SEN Documents

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Updated: 19/01/2024 232 KB