Before Christmas, some students from Year 7 and Year 9, had the opportunity to produce a short story during their English lessons with Miss Hall and enter a competition to win prizes and publication of their work.  However, this wasn’t just any old story – they had to tell a complete story in only 100 words, with a ‘Spine-Chilling’ theme.

Fantastically, 29 of these students were successful and will have their mini sagas published in a book called: ‘Spine-Chillers – Lancashire Tales’.  This book will be sent to the British Library and multiple libraries across the UK.  This will provide our students with a lasting record of their achievement and the satisfaction that their story will be read by many, for years to come!  The book will be published on 30th April: and once published, the company will announce the overall winners of the ‘Spine-Chillers’ competition – who know, we might have a national winner amongst our students!!  each student will also receive a commendation from Mr Birch, Headteacher.  Well done to all involved.